We are launching our DEX and $PILLS!
At or around 10am UTC on November 10th we will launch the DEX and $PILLS. Once launched, you will be able to create and deposit liquidity-pairs into the DEX.
Please note: liquidity will need to fill in for the DEX. Please keep this in mind prior to using the DEX to swap right away.
Separately, on the Neo Pools tab of the website, you will be able to swap $MORPH for $PILLS at a 1:1 ratio. This 1:1 swap ratio will last for approximately five-days, at which point it will increase by 0.3 $MORPH per $PILLS every 30 days.
At or around 12pm UTC on November 10th, we will launch our new POOLS/FARMS. $MORPH rewards will transfer over.
Additionally, at this time, we will launch three (3) Neo Pools for $PILLS. The Neo Pools will be: $wMEMO (2x), $wETH, and $wFTM. These Neo Pools will run for 7 days!
And, we have one last surprise for you all!
We will be the first DEX to offer $MIM-$nICE and $MIM-$sSPELL liquidity!
These replace the originally planned $FTM-$ICE and $FTM-$SPELL LPs.
Please remember to be patient and kind, and as always, our team is available in Discord to assist you.
-Morpheus Swap team